Divine Inspiration and Technology: Oddly perfect in a painful and wise way.

Have you noticed how smog feels dirty and alienating? How the lights of a city blind you from the stars? How a skin product commercial makes women cringe with self doubt? How the fear of poverty turns a grown man into a quiet and scared little boy? ¿How a lie separates couples? or ¿How doubt destroys the self?
¿Have you ever wondered if there is a purpose to the sense of feeling lost? ¿How the madness of the world could be just what we need? I think we are all feeling lost. More than usual, more than before. Like a veil of our own concoction is put on our 5 senses. ¿ Is this the only way we discover the 6th sense? (Notice: I said We; like children in a family, we are all in this together).
As a caterpillar produces the threads of its cocoon, technology is separating us from our own nature, hopefully to someday break loose as something quite different, so much more free and beautiful. The butterfly version of our presently, caterpillar selves. Something that combines the divine creative connection with God that a Child has with the wisdom and appreciation a beaten old man has.
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