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Take this as an idea, as something you might plant in the
garden of your mind and let grow into a new idea that incorporates who you are
and the way you search for happiness and peace of mind. And save the rest of humanity.
We have a big challenge in our Era: We need to resolve the
big conflict in our collective consciousness, (by nature, we should say the
collective unconscious, because no one
human is aware of it all). We have two clashing conflicts: The need to be free,
competitive and wealthy vs. the need to be sustainable, help out our fellow
humans and survive as a species, if anything, for the sake of our children and
our children’s children.
We need to live in a sustainable manner, we need to focus on
equilibrium, because we are a system and a system survives through equilibrium.
Our economic endeavors have made us very powerful and meddling with our environment
in ways and in forces so strong, that we might destroy our species. (Most of us
don’t believe this is an absolute truth, but we also can understand how this
would be true, and hold it as a possible theory). We need to figure out if we
are really heading to a global collapse and if there is a possibility to stop
this trend and save our species. The alternative is to risk the possibility of
a universal holocaust and let the system sort itself out.
We also have a need to grow, we have an instinctive need to
create and to compete, to have objectives and to satisfy our personal needs,
our infinite repertoire of things that might make us happy. And money seems to
be a good way of exchanging your time for your cravings. Ideally people want to
be “Economically Independent” – Free to choose what to do every day of their
lives, to follow their individual search for meaning. Not just in our heads or
during short periods of self-discovery, commonly associated with being young or
retired. But in goods, services, properties and biological conditions that
strike us as important, individually. ( Spending our time with our children and
loved ones, growing gardens or being creative for creativity’s sake, dedicating
ones life to the pursuit of science or social development or restoring antique

Based on our actions, we are all trying to make an acceptable
amount of money. And, also based on our actions, we are worried about the
common good, deep inside use we understand that by helping the system we are
also helping ourselves. So when scientists are now talking in terms of “The Survival
of Humans as a species” we are bound to pay attention. ¿But are we free to
follow the better path?
Much like dysfunctional families or individuals, the internal
conflicts in our species, the duality conformed by freedom, ambition and
sustainability, is preventing us from adapting to our environment, instead we
are forcing our environment to adapt to us, in the same way a conflicted parent
might be making the rest of the family pay and adapt to his/her unhealthy way
of coping. And if you even dig deeper, you might find a connection between our
own personal duality and our collective & constant conflict. A clash
between freedom and responsibility just might be present in most conflicts.
So our challenge is to be able to truly gain by being free and
sustainable. I believe one way of doing this lies in our capacity to live up to
our personal ideas and values, without compromising some of these in order to
survive and compete economically.
New forms of moral and principles are becoming universal. Based
on science and our common wish to survive as a species; sustainability being
incorporated as a universal value.
When one is the soul dictator of our personal equilibrium,
in other words you the only person who is chooses how to think and what to do, it’s
easier to live up to our ideals. But our
interests are compromised by our material needs and ambitions, it’s easy to
understand how we collaborate in activities that have negative effects on
society. War is the more obvious, but take whale fishermen. No one member of
the team is solely responsible for the murder of whales, everybody is in on it
and everybody has a reason: “I have kids to feed, I think humans are more
important than whales, it’s the only thing I know how to do in order to sustain
myself”. You might think: “Oh but those guys are just ignorant and plain evil,
I don’t do things like that, oh no, not I!” But think about how acceptable it
is to eat: “Baby Back Ribs” or to read a newspaper that ironically say “Amazon forests
succumb to the paper industry”. Think about cancer, aids, poverty, water
contamination, the hazards of nuclear energy and other problems we could be fixing
systemically. And think of these problems as systemic problems. If your local power
plant is the cheapest way to fuel the company you work for, you probably don’t feel
guilty, but you are.
So, to reiterate: If economic independence and sustainably conscious
principles become elements with aligned objectives, we can resolve a long
conflict that threatens our very existence. In order to do both, we must be
free to make money according to our values, and informed of things like the
side-effects of transgenic agriculture or hormonally altered beef. We must
understand the implications of buying a newspapers and eating baby pork. And we
must be free to choose how we go about our business.
And this is possible now:
There are two elements that make it possible to be free and
contribute to sustanability:
Because you are unique: You can provide a unique
service. (Your unique place in space and time, your unique combination of
genes, culture and perspectives on life provide you with a personal competitive
advantage). A unique service based on your competitive advantages is most likely
to have economic demand. For example organic, biodynamic, fair trade wine or
Ray William Johnson’s unique critique of YouTube’s trending viral videos.
Because of Technology and universal languages,
you are able to tell this to the internet, to this collective consciousness on
the cloud, enabling an economic relationship with the group of people who are
searching for your own unique service to humanity. “¿Creative synapsis on the
brain of humanity?”
Because you are free to choose how to work, and
how to spend your money, you can become truly wealthy (As opposed to a large
bank account and an 80hr work week that consumes decades at a time). Doing what
you love to do and feeling good about it is possible.
Because of technology and communications, humans
are developing the first models of universal human values. And a big part of
this new morale is sustainability.
So this is my vision
Because lack of sustainability, abuse and using 80% of our
waking life to work for something we are not completely ok with, are things
that we probably all want to avoid, our values and morals are changing,
incorporating new, universal values based on science, sustainability, human
rights and freedom. In order to obtain money without compromising our values
and morals, individuals can develop and enhance their own personal and unique
competitive advantages, in order to operate from a personal business stand point,
(Micro-Small business, consulting, contracting, freelancing), using technology
to market their goods and services.
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